LAST Saturday, le tout Clitheroe turned out for the annual Ribble Valley Scooter Rally (cancelled last year). It used to be called the Mod Weekender but they renamed it in an effort to widen its appeal. However it is still basically a Mod event, with some spectators in parkas and natty jackets.
It was a three-day festival from Friday to Sunday, with a mass ride of scooters for several miles along the A59 then into the town centre. The High Street was lined with vintage scooters (presumably too fragile or precious to ride) while literally hundreds more poured in. Here is one:

I took a video of part of the parade when I was able to get a decent view between other people in the crowd. At this point some were riding through town while others were turning off to park behind the Rose and Crown pub. As you can see some motorbike riders joined in – in the old days that would have been an open invitation to trouble, but differences seem to have been forgotten since the 60s.
Afterwards I took some pictures to show the range of scooters taking part, from the basic to the very fancy.

Fashion note: This is what the well-dressed mod is wearing this season.

There was a stall for those needing to refresh their wardrobe:

Finally: This is obviously someone’s pride and joy, but what on earth is it?

The weekend included a full programme of music:

I have not heard of a single one of the acts. Must have led a sheltered life.
Footnote: Clitheroe town centre was packed with people having a good time, shoulder to shoulder, and of the several hundred there I saw only one group of four in masks.